位置:首页>> 网络编程>> 网页设计>> 语义化的HTML与搜索引擎优化(如何编写纯语义的HTML进行搜索引擎优化)(4)


作者:Joost.De.Valk 来源:W3CGroup 发布时间:2009-12-28 12:42:00 


Emphasizing your meaning

Remember I said earlier that tags should be the emotion of your text? This is where the real emotion comes in: you can provide emphasis to certain words using em or strong. In the old days, people used b and i for that, but these tags are no longer encouraged, since they imply a specific styling, whereas HTML should only describe structure/meaning (all style should be created using CSS, of course.)


Search engines give more weight to any words marked up using any of these four tags. Overusing them can do more harm than good, and actually cause a loss of emphasis, but if treated with care, they can apply an extra dimension to your documents.


A few words on (i)frames

It's quite simple:don't use them.Search engines don't get them,and screenreaders have quite a hard time using them as well.

Conflicts of interest

All of the above rules can be bent a little of course, which is a good thing, as sometimes it's necessary to keep everyone at your organization happy. Say your boss wants a page to have a zappy marketing title you'd rather not have, because it doesn't exactly describe what's on the page, and pushes your most important keyword to the second heading. If you're in a competitive area, it might be wise to make the page look like that for your boss, yet use an h2 for the first heading, and an h1 for the second.


The same goes for iframes and images. If someone really wants you to put a certain block of content on a specific well-ranking page, but you don't want to risk losing focus, you could of course put that content into an iframe or image, and choose not to provide an alternative.


These decisions are up to you in the end - normal semantics should be the basis of your design, and the conflicts should only arise when you're really optimizing your pages.


Not so simple semantic HTML - Microformats
不那么简单的语义化HTML - 微格式

Microformats are also semantic HTML, but they are not exactly simple! At the moment, search engines are hardly using microformats in their algorithms, but that might change. The hCard especially (the HTML version of the vCard) has some very easy and obvious uses for search engines, and I suspect that they will start using those within the next couple of years. You can apply intelligent extra semantics within Microformats using the basic set of HTML elements - for example, a good way of marking up your address hCard is by using the address tag as a container!



By using semantic HTML to mark up your pages, you can create pages that are more accessible, both to people with disabilities, as well as to search engines. Good semantic markup helps search engines to determine what the topic of a page is, and if used together with a good site structure, allows you pushy up your web site rankings!


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