位置:首页>> 网络编程>> 网页设计>> 语义化的HTML与搜索引擎优化(如何编写纯语义的HTML进行搜索引擎优化)


作者:Joost.De.Valk 来源:W3CGroup 发布时间:2009-12-28 12:42:00 



So what is POSH? No, it's not just some new clothing fashion hype amongst web designers - POSH is the acronym for Plain Old Semantic HTML. The term Semantic HTML is used for a variety of things, but it has it's origin in one objective: creating (X)HTML documents using semantic elements and attributes, as opposed to using presentational HTML. The term POSH was coined because a group of highly respected web designers wanted to have a short mnemonic to easily capture the essence of the concept of Semantic HTML.

什么是POSH?它可不是网页设计师们谈论的服装、时尚,POSH是plain old Semantic HTML的缩写。Semantic HTML可以用在很多地方,不过,它的本意是创建(X)HTML文档中,使用语义化的对象或属性,而不用表象(只为显示效果)的HTML。POSH的产生,来自一群令人追崇的网页设计师,他们希望能够写出简短、易记,能够使人一看就知道其意义的语义化HTML。

In this article, I talk about why you should use POSH, exactly what you need to do to implement it (many of you are probably doing this already, and a few of you might not even realize it!) and how you can optimize it to improve SEO for your site. I also take a brief look at Microformats at the end of the article.


Why Should I Use Semantic HTML?

You could just say: "because it's the right thing for the web," but it's benefits go far beyond that. For instance, it makes it easier for screenreaders to interpret in an order that will make sense to users with visual impairments.


Secondly, SEO and Semantic HTML are close friends. They might sometimes have conflicts of interest, which we'll get to later on in this document, but over all, they're friends. The purpose of SEO is to help search engine spiders better understand what a page is about and therefore categorize them better. Since a search engine spider basically has even less capabilities than a screenreader, it needs even more guidance in determining a page's structure and topic. Good semantic HTML provides just that structure.


Semantic HTML tries to convey meaning through the words and the tags on a page. Try thinking of it this way: the content on the page is the words you speak. The tags provide the structure, the intonation, the pauses and even the looks on your face. Basically, your tags are half your message.


Site Structure

In my previous article on I talked about site structures, with the aim of providing a clear way for search engines to discover which page on your site discusses which topic - this can be further improved by using Semantic HTML.


Page Structure

A page consists of a title, one or more headings, and content. This content can contain paragraphs of text, lists, quotes, images and tables. All these types of information have their own designated tag(s). We will treat all those tags, starting with the headings. Use this page about sortable tables as an example to follow along with for the coming points.




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