位置:首页>> 网络编程>> 数据库>> Oracle常用命令大全集(5)


 来源:asp之家 发布时间:2010-07-21 13:18:00 


第七章:reorganizing data

1.using expoty

$exp scott/tiger tables(dept,emp) file=c:\emp.dmp log=exp.log compress=n direct=y

2.using import

$imp scott/tiger tables(dept,emp) file=emp.dmp log=imp.log ignore=y

3.transporting a tablespace

sql>alter tablespace sales_ts read only;

$exp sys/.. file=xay.dmp transport_tablespace=y tablespace=sales_ts

triggers=n constraints=n

$copy datafile

$imp sys/.. file=xay.dmp transport_tablespace=y datafiles=(/disk1/sles01.dbf,/disk2


sql> alter tablespace sales_ts read write;

4.checking transport set

sql> DBMS_tts.transport_set_check(ts_list =>'sales_ts' ..,incl_constraints=>true);

在表transport_set_violations 中查看

sql> dbms_tts.isselfcontained 为true 是, 表示自包含

第八章: managing password security and resources

1.controlling account lock and password

sql> alter user juncky identified by oracle account unlock;

2.user_provided password function

sql> function_name(userid in varchar2(30),password in varchar2(30),

old_password in varchar2(30)) return boolean

3.create a profile : password setting

sql> create profile grace_5 limit failed_login_attempts 3

sql> password_lock_time unlimited password_life_time 30

sql>password_reuse_time 30 password_verify_function verify_function

sql> password_grace_time 5;

4.altering a profile

sql> alter profile default failed_login_attempts 3

sql> password_life_time 60 password_grace_time 10;

5.drop a profile

sql> drop profile grace_5 [cascade];

6.create a profile : resource limit

sql> create profile developer_prof limit sessions_per_user 2

sql> cpu_per_session 10000 idle_time 60 connect_time 480;

7. view => resource_cost : alter resource cost


8. enable resource limits

sql> alter system set resource_limit=true;



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